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All the Lies They Did Not Tell
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Author : Pablo Trincia
Title : All the Lies They Did Not Tell
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The accusations. The suspicions. The devastating impact. This is the true story of the Devils of the Bassa Modenese?the most notorious Satanic Panic investigation in the history of Italy.In 1997 a six-year-old boy questioned by authorities relayed disturbing stories of abuse. The more he talked, the more people were implicated in his shocking revelations. And he was only the first child to come forward.Within a year, fifteen more children with similar tales were transferred out of the Bassa region of Italy to protected locations. Their parents were accused of belonging to a satanic sect that performed sex rituals under the aegis of beloved local priest Don Giorgio Govoni. With each child?s confession, the network of monsters grew. Families were torn apart. Lives were forever destroyed?and some ended?as allegations of kidnapping, torture, sacrifice, and murder escalated beyond comprehension.But what was really happening in the Bassa Modenese?In this gripping account of the Satanic
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